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ReaLM Energy Healing And Bodywork 

REHAB + Additional Services 
by Rachel


1 hr: $110

1.5 hrs: $150 ---> 4 sessions for $500


*Tarot add-on or Soul Read: $30


Tarot/Soul Reads 

Using a question as the container, we will work intuitively with the tools of Tarot and connection to intuition through the body to gain clarity and awareness of your situation. In these reads, you will learn to trust yourself and your truth. ​

ReaLM Energy Healing And Bodywork (REHAB) is a hands-on mat sessions providing intuitive bodywork and energy work for unwinding held physical and emotional patterns in the body.

During a session, you will be guided into yielding, facilitated movement and unwinding, hands on compression and acupressure, and guided meditation and breath work.

These are intuitively led sessions that may be different every visit and can be very supportive in nervous system regulation, uncovering limiting beliefs, accessing intuition, and befriending your body. You will leave feeling more integrated and at ease!


 Rachel has been a movement educator for 20 years. She is certified in Thai Bodywork, has a BFA in Dance and Choreography, Co-operates a successful Embodiment Education and Intuition Training Company- Radical Love Movement, and holds a certification in a reposturing and alignment method called Elemental Body Alignment System (EBAS). She is passionate about supporting people in coming back to and trusting their own inherent wisdom, and living and moving with more functionality and ease, all through the body.

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